Russian special forces and dog training

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , , , , | Posted on 01:06

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I was wondering if this guy has never killed anyone?

I mean, it was only about four feet away from him and could not help but think that I was sitting. Finally, he called himself "The Evil Russian."

Pavel Tsatsouline was an instructor for the Russian Spetsnaz special forces who fought in Afghanistan and I was in the front row listening to him discuss strength and flexibility training.

I heard that he would speak in Providence, RI. I was told that hea great speaker and not miss the chance to see him. As a man, that a large part of his life by making all of the people and speak, I always jump at any chance to see a professional.

In any case, it was discovered that everything I had heard. Mr. Tsatsouline is an excellent speaker and has a great sense of humor. If ever the opportunity to visit one of his seminars, which I highly recommend seeing it.

However, he sprinkled his seminar with many great stories andRussian sayings. Two of his words really struck home with me and I have never forgotten. His first statement was:

"When your only tool is a hammer handle everything like a nail."

I loved that statement because I am a complete idiot regarding the use of tools. My girlfriend knows that I have been asked to fix something that is not a good idea. Indeed, if we need something around the house, which usually set the job done.

But ...

If there is something that I rippedgreat with a hammer. And 'a tool I can use.

I also loved the comment, because when it comes to dog training, a very good dog trainer has a wide range of tools in his toolbox. I'm not talking about this too, but there are coaches out there that only a hammer in their toolbox. They treat every problem, every situation is training as a nail.

Hack Trainer imagine that all behavior problems are treated with a correction needs. DogCoaches who provide tools is limited choke chain for the dog and pull the collar and leash for each problem they face.

Dog growls around his bone - for the correction with choke chain.

Dog jumps - apply correction with choke chain.

Dog does not sit - for the correction with choke chain.

Dog not found - for the correction with choke chain.

Dog moves during stay - apply correction with choke chain.

A good coach knows that there are moretraining and pulls on a leash. In my book, "The Amazing Dog Training Man," I discuss the MUTT Method to address behavior problems.

You see, if your dog is a display problem behavior, there is a reason. This is what the U stands for the method of Mutt. Here is the complete acronym:

M - Management

U - Underlying

T - train

T - Time

If this is a behavior problem, you must investigate the conduct, managementWhat is the real reason for the behavior, train or teach your dog appropriate behavior and then give your dog some 'time to learn the new behavior. Training is a dog, with the force only lead to problems. Sometimes you can temporarily suppress the behavior, but it once again.

Few years ago I was a dog trainer because of another attack. I was asked to look at this dog in Dartmouth, MA. When I left, I have an extremely nervous German Shepherd mix, and sawBelieve it or not, this is the dog's name Scar.

When I speak with the owner, I could see that my presence this dog very excited. The owner told me that there is a coach working with his dog the day before. I made a rapid assessment and noticed the dog is not me no warning signs. He did not know were to growl, his anger is not addressed, he told me not to show any teeth.

I decided that I would take the reins and go for a little walk, try to bond with him a bit '.

AsAs soon as I have the line, I noticed a change in Scar. To panic and first-hand the reins back to the owner who attacked me. The dog bit me on the arm three times before coming to him in his hut.

When I bandage my arm, the dog owner told me that the coach was there the day before, was very rough with Scar.

Trainer? Day before? I asked.

"Yes, we had these other guys came in yesterday to help with some training, but we did not like him. HungScar with the choke collar. Every time Scar would growl, he would stand holding the leash and Scar, until almost fainted. "

"Every time he growled," I asked.


Everything made sense to me. The reason I was attacked because it was Scar "correct" every time he gave a warning signal. I knew that the other coaches too. He knew only one way to train dogs.

You guessed it. He treated each dog as a nail and hammer each. Knew thisbecause a large part of my business at the time was about this man. I would ask for dog owners who hired him and problems, now more than before the train "their dogs.

You see, when a dog growls, you at least know the dog gives a warning. Now you can try to understand why the dog growled and steps to set the problem of aggression.

A hack trainer, is only a hammer in the toolbox, try to deal with aggressionabuse behavior. The problem is that when it comes to non-aggression with aggression, is to increase the aggression. As was the case with the dog Scar, was suffocated every time he gave a warning signal. Growled and was choked and probably thought the coach wanted to kill him.

When I leash the poor dog was just thinking of survival. Oppressed, not knowing growl at me, as was the behavior of the other coaches have been - but ... the behavior was still there.

EvenIf I chewed by Scar, I felt sorry for him. Most of aggression and fear based Scar probably had a hard life and it was because, as has been treated aggressively.

Then, when the so-called experts have been called, the training methods used pushed to the limit. Training is more than leash corrections and physical force. Training is all about understanding dogs and the reasons for their representation are the behaviors I am.

Compassion, patienceand understanding of behavior is what a great dog trainer.

My advice to you is very tired, every coach who has a hammer in the toolbox. If you find dog trainer ANY inflict their behavior problems with a choke chain and pain for the dog, you can be sure that you are someone who does not really know what they are, and it would be wise to view you're looking for another coach to work.

Eye Mask pottery wheel

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